Looking for indicators
hi all I'm lookinh to buy some thunderstorm indicators 4 of them if anyway one is selling them could you please message thanks you
View ArticleFactory Horn wiring
Electrical how-to knowledge about my 2013 TBird 1600 (or pretty much anything electrical as far as that's concerned) is definitely my weak spot. Can somebody tell me which terminal on the back of the...
View ArticleRiding 2 up, Suspension setting?
Hey guys, what's an ideal setting when riding with a passenger? I have spanner wrenches to adjust. But when I look at the shocks from the rear, which way do I go to make it a touch stiffer? It's...
View ArticleLeft Engine guard broke
Very frustrated! Was cleaning the chrome on the Tbird 1600 and noticed the lower mounting tab on the left side engine guard snapped, leaving the guard attached only by the top mounting tab and bolt....
View ArticleSaddlebag crash guards/ bars
Hey all, anyone know of, or have crash guards installed in front of their saddlebags on their thunderbird? I was looking for some for my storm and not finding much. Is it an accessory they never made?...
View ArticleThunderbird 900, from 2000, fan constantly on
On my Thunderbird 900 the fan is constantly on for some reason. I recently repainted and stripped down the motorcycle, change some parts, etc. When putting everything together I’m having several issues...
View ArticleLong Standard Mufflers Wanted
Folks I am after a set of long Standard T-Bird 1600 mufflers for my 2010 1600 SE. I would buy them or swap for my impeccable Long TORS in the photos. Thanks Bob
View ArticleThunderbird 900 stalling, jerking in low revs
I have a Thunderbird 900 from 2000 and I have issues with engine jerking stalling on low revs since I got it. I have disassembled the motorcycle did some painting, clean the carburetors and more. The...
View ArticleSuspension Upgrade
Have any of you put better shocks on the back ? Improved the front forks ? JJ
View ArticleThunderbird 900 stalling when put into gear
I recently disassembled my thunderbird to do some work, paint etc. Now during reassembly I have a few issues. (Will make a different thread for each issue). In neutral: engine starts fine. But when but...
View ArticleLT now has all LED's
After having some bulbs burn out in less than two years, I decided to go all LED. Here's a list of LED bulbs I used to replace stock bulbs. OPT7 H3 LED bulbs for aux lights. (You will need to reverse...
View ArticleLocation of exhaust motor or Actuator exhaust motor
New to Triumph, helping my dad install a servo on exhaust motor and can not find, traced 2 cables back but disppears under seat, any help on location with be very helpful, dad turns 79 and with like to...
View ArticleAny TBird Owners Move to a New Rocket 3?
Love my 2012 1600 ABS but I know the time will come when I'll need to move on from it. Has anyone moved to the 2019+ Rocket and can offer some opinions between the 2? I love my v-twin rumble and have...
View Article2013 thunderbird storm windshield?
Does anyone know where to go for decent windshields for a 2013 Storm? I have one on my America which works really well but I need one on this bike if I want to hang on for any length of time on a long...
View Article2015 T bird storm pipes on a 2011 T bird
Would the silencers of a 2015 Tbird storm fit onto a 2011 Tbird 1600? I haven't seen anything saying otherwise, but figured someone would know better.
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